Aaron Dunn
In I’m Just Saying, his first book of poems, verbal artist Aaron Dunn explores the potential of our shared use of language. His work often suggests multiple meanings through first-person reflection on events, memories, and personal struggle. Through these honest, empathetic, challenging, and interactive poems, he seeks to inspire us all to discover meaning in the […]
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Boris Sokoloff and Ian Ona Johnson
Boris Sokoloff, a doctor in Russia during the tumultuous years of the Russian Revolution and a survivor of the infamous Butyrki prison, has a remarkable story to tell. During his fascinating life he encountered nearly every major political and cultural figure in Russia between 1917 and 1920 and was an eyewitness of or participant in […]
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Pierre Schlag
Mr. David Madden lives in L.A. He’s an ordinary man. Every day, he gets up and drives to work. Only he never gets there. Instead, he drives from here to there, from Westwood to Santa Monica, Santa Monica to Venice . . . and so on. It seems he’s always just going from point A […]
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